(Updated 2nd of August in 2020)
The Goddess believes this to be a very important subject and, therefore, needs clarification.
The Goddess believes this to be a very important subject and, therefore, needs clarification.
The Goddess remembers one sub made an offering of a $25 gift card to Victoria's Secret when they met. It was only a 20-minute meeting to say hello and get acquainted, but the sub showed his gratitude. This was 3 years ago, but the Goddess still remembers because of the thought put in. It was also a pleasant surprise and the Goddess loves surprises.
Below are some ideas that make great offerings, most from actual subs. While the Goddess prefers offerings be made in person, She knows that not all of you will have such an Honour. Because of this, there are also convenient links to still present your offerings. Of course, you are free to come up with your own thoughtful gift.
All virtual offerings should be sent to (GoddessChocolate@live.com).

Want to send a more general gift? These will allow Me to choose from a number of different items.

Below are some ideas that make great offerings, most from actual subs. While the Goddess prefers offerings be made in person, She knows that not all of you will have such an Honour. Because of this, there are also convenient links to still present your offerings. Of course, you are free to come up with your own thoughtful gift.
<> Fine Chocolates (of course) <> Bottle of Wine <> Desserts <> Play Toys |
<> (Shea Butter) <> Candles <> (Natural Body Wash) <> (Essential Oils) |
All virtual offerings should be sent to (GoddessChocolate@live.com).